Saturday, April 9, 2011

2: Gender

Crossing Boundaries
In the last century, the number of people publicly claiming their gender does not match their physical sex has grown substantially. Some key moments in the history of transgender awareness:
  • 1912 The first attempted sex reassignment, performed on a female desiring to be male, takes place in Berlin. The sexual transition, however, is not fully completed.
  • 1919 Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld establishes the Institute for Sexology in Berlin. It becomes a center of study and is one of the first clinics to serve transgendered people.
  • 1930 Felix Abraham, a doctor at the Institute for Sexology, publishes the paper "Genital Reassignment of Two Male Transvestites."
  • 1933 Man Into Woman," the story of Danish painter Lili Elbe's transition from male to female--and the first-known biography of a transsexual--is published.
  • 1952 Christine Jorgensen, formerly George, becomes famous as the first American to undergo sexual reassignment.
  • 1970 Dedicated to advocacy and social service, Street Transvestite Action Revolutionaries, one of the first transgender activism groups, is formed by Sylvia Rivera and Martha P. Johnson.
  • 1975 Richard Raskind becomes Renee Richards, and later wins the right to compete as a woman in professional tennis.
  • 1989 Jazz musician Billy Tipton (center) dies and is found to have female anatomy. Tipton had lived more than 50 years as a man, marrying multiple times and raising children.
  • 1999 The film "Boys Don't Cry," about the murder of transgender teen Brandon Teena, is released. The crime had drawn widespread attention to transgender discrimination.
  • 2007 In a landmark vote, the House of Representatives passes a bill that would extend hate-crime protection to people victimized because of gender, sexual orientation or gender identity.
(Bain, Marc. Newsweek, 5/21/2007, Vol. 149 Issue 21, p54-55, 2p)

-This site goes into depth about how to raise your child fairly. Parents are constantly dealing with the contraversy of making sure their child fits into stereotypes or letting them explore and become the person they want to be.

-This site is a medical dictionary site that biologically explains the idea of Gender Identity Disorder. It talks all about the causes, symptoms, options, etc.

"As far as I'm concerned, being any gender is a drag." - Patti Smith


4. Passed in 1972, Schooles are forbidden by law to discriminate based on gender.
5. Those who deviate from the binary system of gender including: transsexuals, cross-dressers, and others who don't fit the norm expectations of gender.
6. The fear or hatred of homosexuals.
9. Refers to biological Identity, being male or female.
10. Men and women learn the expectations associated with their sex.
1. Explanations that attribute complex social phenomena to physical characteristics.
2. Society in which women have power over men.
3. Socially learned expectations and behaviors associated with members of each sex.
7. A society in which men have power over women.
8. Condition caused by irregularities in the process of chromosome formation or fetal differentiation that produces persons with mixed biological sex characteristics.

          I chose this chapter because I think gender is something that is always going to be an major topic of discussion in our world. It's always going to be that one thing that can cause differentiation between groups and people. I chose to focus on Gender Identity Disorder throughout my post because I think that the concept of this disease is really fascinating. It's something that is still a little hard for people to accept and be able to talk about publically which makes it all the mroe interesting.
          I chose my article first because I felt like a timeline of major milestones in gender surgeries provided a lot of insight into where I was going to be going with this post. It is able to show how much times have changed over the time. Next I chose my picture because I felt like it demonstrated gender well. It is obviously a picture of a man who looks like half a man and half a woman. This also ties in the idea of Gender Identity Disorder. Next, my video is of the infamous pregnant man. He had a sex change early in his life and was still able to get pregnant and give birth after his wife was unable to get pregnant. I thought it was a miraculous gender story. Next my two websites were very different. One was a more opinionated site that deals with how parents should deal with gender identity at an early age. The second one was Web MD which provided more of the facts about this certain "disorder". My quote was a really great one. It kind of provided my readers with the idea of how important is gender really? Gender is something we will have to deal with until the end of time and it will forever be changing.

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